How to Crosspost on Reddit - Etiquette and Best Practices

Learn how to crosspost on Reddit from PC or mobile. Find out how to do it right, so your crosspost will explode from upvotes. All while following crossposting rules and etiquette. Crossposting for self-promotion? Don't - use this unknown tactic instead.
Reddit | November 7, 2021 | 4 min read
Learn how to crosspost on Reddit while following crossposting etiquette.

1. What is a crosspost

Crossposting on Reddit means submitting the same post to multiple subreddits. A crosspost on Reddit, or x-post for short, is a way to share a post from one subreddit to another.

It includes an embed of the original post, along with its subreddit, score, and username of the poster. Below the post, instances of the same post from other subreddits are shown.

Example of a Reddit crosspost that uses the Reddit x-post indicator.

Example of a Reddit crosspost that uses the Reddit x-post indicator.

Crossposting is a great way to attract more visitors to your subreddit. It gives other communities a way to get the source while discussing it in their subreddit.

You could also think of crossposting as sharing on other social media.

2. How to crosspost on Reddit

This part answers the question 'How do you crosspost on Reddit?' by covering the technical side of crossposting. Later you'll also learn how to x-post on Reddit in a way that maximizes upvotes.

Keep in mind that some communities don't allow crossposting - they're greyed out in the posting form.

Communities that don't allow Reddit crossposting are greyed out. You won't be able to make a Reddit xpost in them.

Communities that don't allow Reddit crossposting are greyed out. You won't be able to make a Reddit xpost in them.

Some subreddits require a minimum amount of karma to post, which includes crossposting. If a community only allows a specific type of post (e. g., links), only posts of that type can be crossposted there.

You can make a Reddit x-post by submitting the copy of a post in another subreddit yourself (old method) or with the crosspost option detailed below.

Read also: How to schedule a Reddit post at the best time

2.1. Crossposting in browser

You can do this from PC or Mac. To crosspost in a browser:

  1. Find the post you want to crosspost.
  2. Click 'Share' below the post and select 'Crosspost'. On old Reddit, click 'Crosspost' under the post.
  3. Select a community you want to post in.
  4. Click 'Post'.
Explanation of how to cross post in Reddit in a browser. Follow the process to make a Reddit cross post.

Explanation of how to crosspost Reddit in a browser. Follow the process to make a Reddit cross post.

2.2. Crossposting in Reddit app

To crosspost on Reddit mobile app:

  1. Find the post you want to crosspost.
  2. Click 'Share' below the post and select 'Crosspost on Reddit'.
  3. Select a community you want to post in. On mobile, you can crosspost only to recently visited communities or the ones you're a member of.
  4. Click 'Post'.
Explanation of how to crosspost on Reddit app. Follow the instructions and Reddit cross posting becomes simple.

Explanation of how to crosspost on Reddit app. Follow the instructions and Reddit cross posting becomes simple.

2.3. Post to multiple subreddits at once

With Social Rise, you can submit your post to multiple subreddits with one click. You can use a unique title and a different post time on each subreddit.

Social Rise lets you post to multiple subreddits without crosspost on Reddit. Cross post on Reddit like a pro!

Social Rise lets you post to multiple subreddits without cross posting Reddit. Cross post on Reddit like a pro!

Your posts aren't marked as crossposts, so if you're considering posting anything promotional, this is the way to go.

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3. Reddit crosspost rules and etiquette

Formerly, a variation of '[x-post]' was used in the title to indicate a crosspost. Since 2017, it's no longer needed, as Reddit crossposting is a native option, and all such posts are marked.

Reddit crosspost rules differ depending on the subreddit. Some want a Reddit x post indicator while others don't.

Reddit crosspost rules differ depending on the subreddit. Some want a Reddit x post indicator while others don't.

Reddit crossposting rules and crossposting etiquette differ between subreddits. For example, some consider crossposts of posts from the top page as spam and will remove them.

Hence, make sure to check the subreddit's rules in the sidebar and pinned posts before you submit. If in doubt, you can either go for it or message the moderators.

4. Successful crossposts

To get lots of traction on your crossposts, consider these 4 things:

4.1. Relevance

Make sure your post fits the subreddit. Submitting a dog picture in a food community contributes nothing and annoys its subscribers.

Crossposting irrelevant content is seen as spam, and you'll get downvoted or your post removed.

4.2. Time

Either crosspost on Reddit immediately or after a few months since the submission of the original post. If you crosspost fast, a lot of users will see your post first. If a post is a few months old, users forgot about it and are likely to upvote it again.

But, if you crosspost something a few days old, users will remember it and not upvote the same thing again.

4.3. Uniqueness

If you crosspost quickly, a unique post will work in your favor as it'll capture attention. However, if you're crossposting an old post, go with posts that are not too unique as Redditors are not likely to remember them.

Pick a post that was popular but not too popular.

4.4. Moderation

Don't overdo crossposts. While you may have good intentions, other Redditors will quickly view you as a spammer.

Don't submit a post to too many communities, especially if the post isn't relevant.

5. Self-promotional crossposts

If you're considering crossposting for promotional reasons, there's a better way.

Redditors are allergic to self-promotion, and they're more likely to notice it if there's a crosspost tag above the post. You'll get called out and downvoted.

If you're looking how to cross post Reddit for promotional purposes, don't. Social Rise is a better option for self-promotion than crosspost Reddit.

If you're looking how to cross post Reddit for promotional purposes, don't. Social Rise is a better option for self-promotion than crosspost Reddit.

Instead, use a Reddit post scheduler to submit to many communities at once without crossposting. A simple interface lets you quickly create multiple posts.

You can easily spread them out so your profile doesn't look spammy, and each post is submitted at the best time. You can use a unique title for each post to make sure they're relevant and get the subreddit's attention.

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6. How to repost on Reddit

Reddit reposting differs from crossposting in the fact that a repost means submitting the same post in the same community. For example, if your post didn't do well in a subreddit, you could repost it.

Not all subreddits allow reposts, so make sure to check out the rules before you do so. Some have a period in which the same link can't be posted again.

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